Who are we teaching?

Lately I've been thinking about all the people that I've met during this endless quarantine, and all the different kinds of students I've taught in the past months and their enriching personalities. I've learnt (and continue learning) a lot from each of them. So, I decided to write about this huge world of students we are immersed "thanks" to confinement. Let's see if you agree with me here. 

These are the "types" of students I've come across so far:

  • The over-motivated student
This is the student that celebrates every single activity that you show, they speak a lot and are also called the "life-buoys". They are the ones that no matter what topic you're revising, they will always have an answer or question to enlighten your lesson. In a few words, they are the dreamed students.

  • The multitasking student 
This is the kind of student I admire and abhor at the same time. They are "listening" to you, but at the same time you can see how their eyes go away from the screen and the "clicks" in their mouse start sounding. They're not only having an English class, but they're also working on pending tasks, checking social networks, and probably chatting with friends. What I love about these students is the ability they have to leave me speechless when I make "tricky" questions and they answer them correctly. 

  • The excuse-maker student
This is my favourite. They never seem to wear down excuses. It's amazing how able they are to invent excuses all the time, if only they would use that creativity for the ONE AND ONLY task I give them as homework it would be awesome. But no, the choose the easy way, and I have a great time listening to them, like I believe what they're saying. We were also students some time ago, never forget that, dear students. 

And last but not least...

  • The I-don't-give-a-"flower"-about-this student.

 Well, this type of student makes me feel a bit sad. In most cases they're taking the classes because they are obliged to, and it's so sad to see adults being forced to do something they don't like.. Anyway, it's our job and they don't make it any easier. These are the students that never like any activity or task or idea or whatever we bring to the lesson. They are the most annoying and hardest to please. So, whenever you have a student like this, don't question yourself as a teacher, but take a deeper look at the student, probably it's their frustration what makes the lessons "boring" or "not interesting". 

All in all, it's our job to deal with and find the way to teach each and every student, at least till the moment you can choose who to teach. Don't give up, there's always something to be done to share and transmit all the knowledge they need. 

What do you think? Am I missing any other type of student? Let me know!



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